
New Closure Dates For Bridge Announced

New Closure Dates For Bridge Announced

Network Rail have announced details of a further closure of the Kingsferry Bridge.

The 1950s bridge, which connects the Isle of Sheppey with mainland Kent over the Swale, will be closed to pedestrians, cyclists, rail, road and maritime traffic from 22:00 hrs on Thursday 24th October with an estimated completion by 05:00 hrs on Sunday 3rd November.

Stay tuned to 106.9 SFM for the latest information, as we get it.


Speedway Mascot Naming Competition Result

Speedway Mascot Naming Competition Result

It's a tail in the jungle for sure how Kent Speedway fans have been rallying together to pick a name for their new mascot: not just the TouchTec King of the Jungle but a master of all he surveys at Central Park and there by right Royal Appointment!

The competition, backed by SpecSavers, saw a terrific response with a pride of great names including Lennie (a nod there surely to Kings' promoter Len Silver), Luke (ditto to much-loved former skipper 'Bowen 747'!), Kenny, Kingsley and Kingston!

Swale COVID-19 Death Figures Announced

Swale COVID-19 Death Figures Announced

New figures, released by The Office Of National Statistics (ONS) have revealed the number of people who have died from COVID-19 in Kent. 

The report reveals that 205 people had died of coronavirus in the county on or before Friday 10th April – 181 in hospital (88.3%), 16 in care homes (7.8%), 7 at home (3.4%) and 1 in a hospice.

Rail Fare Price Rise Announced Today

Rail Fare Price Rise Announced Today

Sittingbourne's commuters are set to be faced with a 3.6% hike for their train season tickets from January 2018.

The annual increase for regulated fares throughout the UK is based on the Retail Price Index (RPI) figure for July every year - the RPI is a measure of inflation published monthly by the Office for National Statistics - and July's was announced at 9:30am this morning as being 3.6%.

Loss Of Production Staff At Milton Pipes Announced

Loss Of Production Staff At Milton Pipes Announced

The Production Team staff at Milton Pipes Ltd, on Cooks Lane in Milton Regis, have been told at a meeting that their jobs are to go in the summer.

The previously family-owned company became part of the CPM Group in 2010. It is believed that production will be absorbed by CPM's other sites in Yorkshire and Somerset. 

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