Swale Borough Council

Free Tennis Day At Milton Rec Hailed A Success

Free Tennis Day At Milton Rec Hailed A Success

Pictured: The Mayor of Swale Cllr Ben Martin - pic courtesty of Ian Morris

Locals were giving tennis a try, ahead of the Wimbledon finals on Saturday (13th July), at the newly refurbished tennis courts in Milton Recreation Ground at a free launch event.

New Mayor Announces Chosen Charities

New Mayor Announces Chosen Charities

The new Mayor of Swale, Cllr Ben J Martin, has announced SATEDA and Lupus UK as his chosen charities for the year ahead (2024/25).

Cllr Martin was elected as Mayor at Swale Borough Council’s annual council meeting last month, taking over from Cllr Sarah Stephen.

Each year, the new Mayor chooses two charities to focus their fundraising efforts on. 

SATEDA is a local domestic abuse charity that helps women and children escape and heal from the violence and trauma they experience from the people closest to them. 

"Suez Crisis" Continues In Mid Kent

"Suez Crisis" Continues In Mid Kent

What has been knicknamed "The Suez Crisis" continues, six weeks after Swale Borough Council's new multi-million-pound household waste collection contract with Suez.

Suez Recycling and Recovery UK took on the contract from Monday 25th March, worth £152 million over eight years, from the previous contractor Biffa across the Mid Kent Waste Partnership of Swale, Maidstone and Ashford Borough Councils covering some 460,000 residents. It's believed that Swale's contribution will be £61 million, or £6.7 million per year until 2032.

Council Takes Legal Against Unauthorised Caravans

Council Takes Legal Against Unauthorised Caravans

Swale Borough Council are taking legal action to remove 31 unauthorised caravans from a site in Hartlip and they say "to stop more being brought onto the site". 

The New Acres site, on Spade Lane currently has temporary planning permission for 8 plots with space for 16 caravans.  

This permission was granted by the Planning Inspector on appeal in 2022 and expires in June 2025.  

Cllr Karen Watson Elected As Swale's Deputy Mayor

Cllr Karen Watson Elected As Swale's Deputy Mayor

Sittingbourne and Sheppey Labour Party have announced that Cllr Karen Watson (Lab Roman Ward) was elected to the post of Deputy Mayor at the last full meeting of Swale Borough Council on Wednesday 3rd April.

Karen was elected as Councillor for Roman Ward last May, having previously had twelve years’ experience as a Councillor on the London Borough of Bromley, There she specialised in social services, Sure Start, and Home Start.

Council Prosecutes Illegal Waste Carrier

Council Prosecutes Illegal Waste Carrier

Mat Jackson, of Eastchurch on the Isle Of Sheppey, was seen transporting a large load of waste, including scrap metal, on the A249 during Op Assist - a joint operation between Kent Police’s rural task force and Swale Borough Council - in May 2023.   

Mr Jackson drove away from the police, who pursued him in a marked police vehicle, they caught up with his flatbed lorry at a scrap metal site in Sittingbourne.   

Officers carried out vehicle checks at this location and discovered he was transporting the waste without a license and could not produce a transfer note.   

Fly-Tipping Week Of Action

Fly-Tipping Week Of Action

Waste carriers were targeted last week (Tuesday 30th January) as part of a regular crackdown on fly-tipping acropss the borough. 

Swale Borough Council teamed up with Kent Police’s Rural Task Force to crack down on suspected fly-tipping, collect evidence, and take enforcement action for waste related crimes. 

Outcomes of the day were: 

  • 7 vehicles stopped and searched
  • 2 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) issued

Each offender received a fixed penalty notice of £300 for failing to produce a permit to carry waste, or the necessary documents. 

SBC Tennis Courts Reopen After Refurbishment

SBC Tennis Courts Reopen After Refurbishment

Two of Swale Borough Council’s tennis courts have been refurbished thanks to a partnership between the council and the LTA (Lawn Tennis Association). 

The park tennis courts at Milton Recreation Ground and King George V Playing Fields in Sittingbourne are now open to the public after going through extensive improvement works delivered by the LTA through its Park Tennis Project, alongside Swale Borough Council. 

New Town Centre Marshals Over Christmas Period

New Town Centre Marshals Over Christmas Period

Swale Borough Council is deploying uniformed marshals to help keep Sheerness and Sittingbourne town centres safe.  

The street marshals, who will be operating over the school holidays, are one of several initiatives being rolled out as part of the Safer Streets campaign.    

The council, through the Community Safety Partnership, worked with the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner to secure the funding needed for the campaign from the Government’s Safer Streets Fund.  

Council Expands Hartlip Conservation Area

Council Expands Hartlip Conservation Area

A conservation area in Swale has been expanded to include more areas of local importance.

Swale Borough Council has reviewed Hartlip and Bredgar Conservation Areas as part of their commitment to deliver the adopted Heritage Strategy 2020, Action Plan 1. 

After undertaking a public consultation on the conservation area’s character appraisals and the proposed management plan, the Council has expanded the borders of Hartlip conservation area (CA) and have kept the existing boundaries of Bredgar Conservation Area. 


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