
Fines Issued During First Weekend Of Lockdown 3

Fines Issued During First Weekend Of Lockdown 3

Kent Police officers have issued 30 fines across the county over the weekend, which included breaches at the ports, people failing to isolate, gatherings outside and indoors and unnecessary trips into the county.

Locally on Saturday (9th January) a woman, in Regis Crescent, was fined £200 for leaving her home to visit someone outside of her bubble and household and another woman was fined £200 for being outside of her home without a valid reason at Sittingbourne Railway Station.

Parking Fines Increase

A recent report has revealed that Parking Fines in Swale have increased by almost 53 % since Parking Enforcement was outsourced in November 2011.

The Report revealed that from November 2010 to October 2011 - before out-sourcing - 14,052 fines were imposed, bringing in £339,819.

From November 2011 to October 2012 - after the private company was brought in - there were 21,673 penalty charges issued, generating £523,187.

Labour leader Cllr Roger Truelove said these were ‘striking figures'

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