
Council's Levelling Up Consultation Closes

Council's Levelling Up Consultation Closes

The consultation on plans to try to unlock £20 million of funding for Sheerness has now closed.

Swale Borough Council say that they have received 324 responses from the public on plans that will become a bid to the government’s Levelling Up fund.

More than 75 per cent supporting the council’s plans to better connect the town centre by building a new indoor swimming pool, improving the leisure centre and health offer, expanding Sheppey College and creating new studio spaces at Master’s House.

Avenue Of Remembrance Consultation Underway

Avenue Of Remembrance Consultation Underway

People are being asked how Sittingbourne’s Avenue or Remembrance should be maintained, so future generations can continue to remember those who died in the First and Second World Wars, by Swale Borough Council.

The avenue was inaugurated in 1923 with 181 name plaques of local men who had died in the First World War, together with trees. A further 94 plaques were added to commemorate those who died in World War Two. The avenue is believed to be the last remaining monument of its kind in the country that remains a roadway.

Housing Allocation Consultation Coming To An End

Housing Allocation Consultation Coming To An End

People still have a few days to submit their opinion on the proposed changes to Swale Borough Council’s housing allocation policy.

The policy aims to provide a fair and transparent system that prioritises social housing by making efficient use of the homes available, promoting choice to applicants and developing sustainable mixed communities.

Agreed by the council's cabinet for public consultation in June, the eight-week consultation ends this coming Friday, (2nd October).

Consultation On Children's Centre Closure

KCC Consultation On Children's Centre Closure

Kent County Council (KCC) are planning to change the way they deliver Children's Centre services throughout the county and have begun a consultation on the possible closure of the Woodgrove Children's Centre on Johnson Road here in Sittingbourne

A Press Release from the KCC states that "in the current economic climate efficiency savings must be made, so it is vital that the council sets out a new model for its Children's Centres which is sustainable for the long-term future". 

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