Business News

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has given the green light to the biggest shake-up of the rules it uses to govern Britain's listed companies in three decades.
Ofwat's determination that customer bills must rise 21% on average to keep the water industry afloat amounts to an admission of a torrent of failures; of regulation, of foresight, and the management of regional monopolies that at times appear to be competing only to prove that the 35-year privatisation regime has been a mistake.
Passengers are entitled to compensation for a flight cancelled due to airline staff illness, the UK's highest court has ruled.
Low-carbon energy sources are not growing sufficiently quickly to keep up with energy demand - but global demand for oil will peak next year.
The appearance of finer weather helped the economy recover some lost ground in May, according to official figures that were better than expected.
The new environment secretary has summoned the bosses of most of Britain’s water companies for urgent talks amid signs that Labour will take a tougher approach to regulating the industry.
One of the very few specific targets that the Labour Party set itself in its election manifesto was a promise to “get Britain building again, creating jobs across England, with 1.5 million new homes over the next parliament”.
Water companies in England and Wales have been told they will not be allowed to impose the hikes to bills they have demanded, the industry regulator has said in an interim verdict on their business plans for the next five years.
A fight for better pay among workers at South Korea tech giant Samsung will now result in an indefinite strike, according to a top union official.
The boss of Hakluyt, the corporate intelligence firm, is being lined up for a top business role in Sir Keir Starmer's fledgling Labour administration.


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